Conversations of Consequence

Join other students in a moderated conversation about topics that impact our lives and the communities around us. Through each conversation, we will all have the chance to deepen our understanding of the topic at hand and to gain fresh perspectives from the other participants. The conversation will provide an opportunity for each of us to consider how to apply any new understanding we have gained. We trust each gathering will help to build a sense of community between participants from a variety of backgrounds and disciplines.

The Next Conversation

Careers, Callings, and things that Matter: A Conversation with Drs. Pat and Brenda Pun

How do you remain true to your gifts and talents when those are at odds with the demands of career advancement? How do you prioritize your family’s needs when they conflict with a once-in-a-lifetime grant opportunity? How do you navigate a cross-cultural relationship and marriage while completing studies, raising children, and relating to your extended family? Dr. Jono Quick will discuss with Drs. Brenda and Pat Pun how they have overcome obstacles and grown through various demands while managing a fulfilling family life.  Time for Q & A will follow their brief storytelling and, for any who can stay longer, interaction over a simple supper afterwards.

Patrick Pun, MD, MSCI is a nephrology physician at Duke Medical Center and the Durham VA Hospital. Brenda Pun, DNP, RN, is a nurse scientist, who works with a critical care research group at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

Thursday, February 27
5:30pm – Gathering 
5:45pm – Conversation 
6:50 pm – Conclusion with “take aways”
(light food afterward for all who can stay)

Location: Career Center, Room 036L, Bryan Student Center

More information and registration HERE
(registration helps us with planning but drop-ins are welcome)


Ron Manila  or  Scott Hawkins 

Past Conversations

Discerning Truth in a World of Misinformation: We scroll through social media, read news articles, and engage in conversations, but how do we discern what is true and what isn’t?   

Achievement without Burnout: How changing our perspectives on time, work, and rest can bring greater peace and more meaningful productivity.

Pursuing Your Passion without Losing Your Soul: An in-person conversation with Dr. & Mrs. Quick about their journey of successes and failures, joys and sorrows, hope and despair.

Calling, Career, and Things that Matter: Finding purpose and meaning in a world of uncertainty, distraction, and competition.

Politics, Morality, and Civility: How to engage well with those who think differently and yet serve the public good.

The Quest for Genuine Friendship: Building true friendship when life is dominated by technology.