Conversations of Consequence

Join other students in a moderated conversation about topics that impact our lives and the communities around us. Through each conversation, we will all have the chance to deepen our understanding of the topic at hand and to gain fresh perspectives from the other participants. The conversation will provide an opportunity for each of us to consider how to apply any new understanding we have gained. We trust each gathering will help to build a sense of community between participants from a variety of backgrounds and disciplines.

Upcoming Conversations

Watch here for news of topics and dates for Spring Semester

Want to give input for the upcoming topics? Fill out this brief survey.


Ron Manila  or  Scott Hawkins 

Past Conversations
Pursuing Your Passion without Losing Your Soul: An in-person conversation with Dr. & Mrs. Quick about their journey of successes and failures, joys and sorrows, hope and despair.

Calling, Career, and Things that Matter: Finding purpose and meaning in a world of uncertainty, distraction, and competition.

Politics, Morality, and Civility: How to engage well with those who think differently and yet serve the public good.

The Quest for Genuine Friendship: Building true friendship when life is dominated by technology.